Trademark Registration Consultants in Mangalore

Creating something investing your time, skill and energy, fills you with the joy of innovation. But, what if someone else starts claiming it at theirs?

Welcome to SunTew! A top-rated company for trademark registration in Mangalore. At SunTew we help you protect your brand and business assets with a trademark. A trademark is a symbol, logo, phrase or brand name which cannot be copied by anyone else. Brands use trademarks to differentiate their products from their competitors. Our dedicated team of trademark experts are well-versed in the intricacies of trademark registration.

Protect your intellectual property rights with SunTew, one of the best trademark registration consultants in Mangalore.

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Trademark Registration in Mangalore

About Trademark?

Trademark is a Logo, Brand Name, Word by which customers recognize your Brand or Service as no one other has the right to copy your logo and brand name once it is trademark is Registered. So what are you waiting for ? want to protect your brand name and logo from others then Trademark Registration is the right choice. Suntew Business Solutions is here for you, offering straightforward Trademark Registration services in Mangalore, ensuring your brand is protected with ease and reliability. We have more than 300 customers in Branding services.

Why Choose SunTew for Trademark Registration in Mangalore

Over the last 12 years, SunTew has helped hundreds of clients secure their trademarks. We have been the top choice for trademark registration in Mangalore for the following reasons.

Transparent pricing

Getting your trademark registration with SunTew comes with a guarantee of 100% transparent pricing. We have a clear upfront pricing structure without any hidden fees.

Customized strategy

At SunTew we acknowledge the unique needs of businesses. We coordinate with you to understand your business goals and models. Accordingly, we offer you personalized consultation and tailored strategies for trademark registration.

Efficient processing

We value your time. SunTew’s optimized and well-planned trademark registration process ensures timely filing and management of trademark applications. This in turn helps clients receive their trademarks faster.

Client-centric service

SunTew is one of the leading trademark registration consultants in Mangalore. Our chief USP is our 100% focus on the uniqueness of our customers and their diverse requirements. We conduct detailed research to understand the category of your business and file for your trademark accordingly. Furthermore, we stay in touch with you through the process and collaborate to understand your requirements and opinions. Our client support team is avail 24*7 to answer any queries or resolve any confusion that you might have.

Dispute resolution support

To successfully resolve trademark disputes we provide experienced legal support. Our legal experts navigate the legal process and settle the problem through negotiation, litigation, or opposition proceedings

Protect Your Business Identity – Reach Out to Our Mangalore Specialists!

Who We Are & What We Do for You

We are SunTew, a leading trademark registered in Mangalore. We have grown our reputation by understanding the unique challenges faced by businesses and committing ourselves to protecting brands through premier, well-organized trademark registration services.

A trademark is synonymous with your brand reputation. SunTew’s team of experts are well-versed with knowledge of local and international trademark laws and ensures a seamless trademark registration process. Driven by a commitment to protect your brand legally, SunTew offers personalized assistance guiding you through the complexities of trademark registration. SunTew is not only popular for its professional expertise but it is well-known for its top-notch customer services and transparent pricing model. You can completely rely on our customized trademark registration service in Mangalore to protect your brand identity. Safeguard your brand with one click.

Our Unique Approach for Trademark Registration in Mangalore

SunTew is one of the best online trademark registration companies in Mangalore. We have helped hundreds of companies secure trademarks and enhance their brand presence in the market. Our unique approach to trademark registration is one of the key reasons behind our high client satisfaction and popularity. Let’s share some of these approaches.

Strategy Brand Analysis

At SunTew we begin by understanding your brand. We look into your brand’s value, target market and competitive landscape. We further understand how your trademark represents your brand and matches the current and future marketplace. This in turn helps us identify a trademark that is commercially viable and complements your business strategy.

Consideration of multiple jurisdiction

If you have plans for international expansion then we also consider the trademark laws of those countries from the beginning. Since each country has its trademark laws, considering them right from the start can save you time and resources.

Use of Technology

At SunTew we use software and online platforms that streamline your application process and save you time. For example, we use tools that automatically fill out necessary forms, track your application status, and schedule deadlines for responses and renewals.
trademark registration consultants in Mangalore

Importance & Benefits for Logo registration of Your business in Mangalore

Try recalling the leading business enterprises in the world; from Apple Inc. to Reliance the first thing we recall about them is their logo. A logo represents your company’s identity; it is an integral part of your brand. At SunTew we work to protect your logo with a trademark and uphold the uniqueness of your brand. Here are some benefits of logo registration.

Exclusive rights

Once you have registered your logo as a trademark you receive the exclusive rights of using it in the goods and services of your company. A logo registration ensures that your brand identity is safeguarded and people can relate the logo to your brand.

Legal protection

A registered logo is legally protected against misuse or infringement. In case anyone copies it you are free to take legal action against them. Legal protection further enhances brand safety.

Business value

A trademarked logo adds to your business value. The logo itself becomes an asset as your company becomes popular. In cases of mergers, acquisitions, or franchising, having a registered logo makes your business more attractive to potential investors or buyers.

Geographical expansion

In case of geographical expansion, a registered logo can ease your entry into new markets. It ensures that your identity is retained even in different regions.

Secure your business’s ethos with SunTew, the best online trademark registration agency in Mangalore.

Step-by-Step Trademark Registration Process

You must be eager to know how the trademark registration process works. Here is the detailed step-by-step breakdown.

The first step involves checking for the availability of your trademark. Your trademark should adhere to the rules of the Trademarks Act of 1999. To determine the eligibility of your trademark consider factors like uniqueness, distinctness, and the possibility of confusion with the existing trademarks.

You must check if the trademark is available in this segment. This step prevents you from any infringement on existing trademarks.

After identifying an available and unique trademark you fill out an online trademark application. While filling out the application form you will need the information about the following.

  • Applicant details
  • Trademark details
  • Priority claim

The trademark registrar checks the application form after you have filled it to see if it adheres to the relevant laws and regulations. If the registrar accepts the application then the trademark is advertised in the trademarks journal. However, if there are some objections to it then you have to resolve them within the given time

In this stage, your trademark is published in the trademark journal. If it infringes any existing trademarks then someone can raise an objection

In this stage, you are expected to reply to the opposition and defend your trademark

The registrar reviews your application and accepts or rejects it

Once you have submitted your application you require to pay the required fees

If your application is accepted and no further objections are raised then your trademark registration process moves to the final stage where it is finally registered.

Trademark registration expires every 10 years. So, you need to renew it on time to protect your assets.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Brand Protection

In today’s business landscape, a new brand is born almost every day. To carve a unique niche for your brand and product you must pay attention to brand protection. At SunTew, we guide our clients to protect the integrity of your brand by avoiding some common mistakes. We are discussing some of these here.

Are you looking for a hassle-free trademark registration in Mangalore? Get in touch with SunTew now!

Expert Trademark Registration Services – Get in Touch with Us Now!

Duration and Renewal Process

Please do not forget that a trademark is not for a lifetime. In India, trademark registration is valid for 10 years from the date of registration. With 12 years of experience in trademark registration in Mangalore, SunTew provides you with trademark renewal services as well. Renewing your trademark is necessary to ensure the constant protection of the trademark without the risk of lapsing. Here is the step-by-step guide for renewing your trademark

Renewal application

To renew a trademark you must file Form TM-R. You can use this form for both single-class and multiclass trademark applications.

Payment of renewal fee

Along with the renewal application you need to pay the prescribed renewal fee.

Examination of renewal application

The registrar will review the application to ensure all requirements are met. If any discrepancies are found you will need to make corrections


In case of renewal you are not required to re-advertise the trademarks in the trademark journal unless the registrar deems fit to do so.

Issuance of renewal certificate

Once the renewal application has been approved the Registrar will issue a certificate of renewal and update the details in the Trademark Register. Once this is done, you can continue the trademark protection for another 10 years.

Expert Tips for Successful Registration

SunTew understands the importance of registering your trademark successfully. Over 12 years we have helped hundreds of businesses secure trademarks. Leaning on our experience we suggest 5 expert tips for successful trademark registration.

Documents Required
  • Normal Documents
  • GST Copy
  • 2 Purchase Bill
  • 2 Sales Bill
  • We will prepare all other required documents
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Frequently Asked Questions

You can trademark your:
Brand name: The name of your business or service.
Logo: The visual representation of your brand.
Slogan: A catchy phrase associated with your brand.
Sound: A unique sound associated with your brand.
Design: A distinctive design element of your brand.
You can take legal action against the infringer to stop them from using your trademark and seek damages.
Registrations last for 10 years and can be renewed indefinitely.
1. Trademark search and availability check.
2. Selecting the right category for your trademark.
3. Filling out and submitting the application form.
4. Communicating with the Trademark Office throughout the process.
5. Handling objections and legal proceedings (if necessary).
6. Renewing your trademark registration every 10 years.
These are the documents you need to apply for ISO certification with SunTew
  • Proofs of identity and address of the applicant for trademark registration
  • Copy of the PAN card and Aadhaar card
  • Certification of registration or incorporation of the entity
  • Logo (if already designed)
Here is the list of the 3 best online trademark registration companies in Mangalore
Let’s check out the key factors for identifying the best trademark consultants in Mangalore:
  • The years of experience and expertise of the company
  • The credentials and qualifications of the company
  • Testimonials from previous clients
Trademark registration in Mangalore enhances legal protection, brand recognition, and market differentiation, offering a competitive edge and facilitating business growth locally and potentially internationally.
Trademark registration consultants in Mangalore assist in addressing objections or oppositions by providing necessary documentation, negotiating with parties involved, and ensuring your interests are protected.
It typically takes 6-12 months to complete the process, depending on any objections or challenges.
The cost of registering a trademark in Mangalore can vary based on several factors. The official government fees for filing a trademark application range from INR 4,500 to INR 10,000, depending on the type of applicant and the number of classes the trademark is filed under. Additionally, legal and professional fees for assistance, trademark searches, and follow-up processes may vary, typically ranging from INR 7,000 to INR 20,000 or more, depending on the complexity and services offered by the chosen consultant or law firm. It's advisable to consult with a trademark professional for a detailed cost estimate based on your specific requirements.
Common reasons include similarity to existing trademarks, descriptive marks lacking distinctiveness, or failure to comply with legal requirements. Working with consultants helps mitigate these risks.

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